Saturday, July 21, 2007

Beyond Your Gas Tank

For the past year I've been wondering how high gas prices would have to go before I really started to feel the effects on my pocket book. But what I didn't think about was calculating the cost beyond just what I put in my gas tank.

Recently I was at a restaurant and there was a sign at the register that stated the following:

“Due to rising fuel prices we ask that you please limit yourself to one bowl of soup” - Management

Of course my first reaction was “WHAT”!?

But think about it. How much fuel is actually used to get my Broccoli Cheese Soup from the farm to my bowl? And not just that, but what's next? Goodbye Dollar Menu!!

Rising gas prices affect so much more than just your fuel budget. I think that if you put pen to paper and calculate how much food, clothing and other goods have gone up along with the fuel you put in your automobile you'll be shocked.

This problem goes way beyond just $70 fill-ups. If we're not careful and taking appropriate steps we'll be paying $5 a gallon to go buy a $10 bowl of soup (drink not included).

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